Wednesday, January 23, 2008

ughh there's a cambodian guy in my class laaa.... he is SUPER irritating laa. then like during D&T he called me a pig... wth.. haha am i thaaat fat? hahaha blahh errr to FONG: you're soooooo much more fatter then me okay.... ahhaha (: (:

then during dance....
there is errr girl..... err she can dance? but shy?or wadever la...
then then then.. one of the dance step... we're suppose to like stick our chest/breast out or wadever... den she was like.. "eeeyeerr.. the later ppl will see" den i was like super irritated with her la.. cant get steps rite and all and she said that.... oh when she said that.... i said..."err how you even know they will look at yours? haha /:" oh anyway... to err that girl who im talking abt..: err sorry for making u cry just now? hahaha im very straight foward you know.. errr tooo straight foward? haha BLAHH SORRY! /:

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